{"name":"#2506 Nashawn Ocacio","description":"Nashawn Ocacio was a 57-year-old former coroner who enjoyed hot air ballooning. She was born on September 24th. Physically, Nashawn is in horrible shape. It doesn't help that she is now dead. She has a few blonde hairs on her head, but doesn't have any eyes left that we could tell you the color of. Nashawn now roams the world as a zombie. She had a severe phobia of childbirth. Nashawn was murdered by Trannie Ingala for deleting private keys. She was roommates with Bralen Westermann. Bralen works as a steel worker. Nashawn had a best friend who is a medical officer called Telicia Vaccarino.","image":"https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmcLbWvXPRwwH2TDjwY9MCs7txeGqGTSGSb2Txc4EDrNkm","background_color":"d3d07f","attributes":[{"trait_type":"Type","value":"Zombs"},{"trait_type":"Gender","value":"Female"},{"trait_type":"Birthday","value":"September 24th"},{"trait_type":"Mouth","value":"Wow"},{"trait_type":"Hairstyle","value":"Low Knot"},{"trait_type":"Haircolor","value":"Blond"},{"trait_type":"Mask","value":"Guy"},{"trait_type":"Female Outfit","value":"Orange And Black"}],"external_url":"https://www.pixltonnft.com/explorer/2506","animation_url":"https://pfp.pixltonnft.com/2506"}