{"name":"#2807 Markiya Lynne","description":"Markiya Lynne was a 56-year-old former funeral director who enjoyed five-pins. She was born on April 17th. Physically, Markiya is in horrible shape. It doesn't help that she is now dead. She has a few blonde hairs on her head, but doesn't have any eyes left that we could tell you the color of. Markiya now roams the world as a zombie. She had a severe phobia of Germany and German culture. She was allergic to chromium. Markiya was murdered by Robbe Flintrop to get some sexual pleasure. She was engaged to Chardonnae Toure. Chardonnae works as a travel courier. Markiya had a best friend who is a former operative called Kywuan Levison.","image":"https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYAr3GYqD7Y1QUTHYV1yPvzgKaKFN4VAbwWtU2bozcfQW","background_color":"829e90","attributes":[{"trait_type":"Type","value":"Zombs"},{"trait_type":"Gender","value":"Female"},{"trait_type":"Birthday","value":"April 17th"},{"trait_type":"Mouth","value":"Neutral"},{"trait_type":"Hairstyle","value":"The Hot Principal"},{"trait_type":"Haircolor","value":"Blond"},{"trait_type":"Shoes","value":"White Slippers"},{"trait_type":"Female Outfit","value":"One-Shoulder Top"}],"external_url":"https://www.pixltonnft.com/explorer/2807","animation_url":"https://pfp.pixltonnft.com/2807"}