{"name":"#696 Bose Berzinski","description":"Bose Berzinski was a 33-year-old former zoo keeper who enjoyed hunting. He was born on February 16th. Physically, Bose is in horrible shape. It doesn't help that he is now dead. He has a few black hairs on his head, but doesn't have any eyes left that we could tell you the color of. Bose now roams the world as a zombie. He had a severe phobia of God. He was allergic to fish. Bose was murdered by Baleigh Felix for saying $BCHSV is the real Bitcoin. He was in a relationship with Jakeim Crihfield. Jakeim works as an it manager. Bose had a best friend who is a church warden called Sung Parin.","image":"https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmR5uAwXvrYwamzAqzYS4oSbe2jcXaZpCcnWy6VWLp4Ykj","background_color":"6778a5","attributes":[{"trait_type":"Type","value":"Zombs"},{"trait_type":"Gender","value":"Male"},{"trait_type":"Birthday","value":"February 16th"},{"trait_type":"Mouth","value":"Open"},{"trait_type":"Haircolor","value":"Black"},{"trait_type":"Facial Hair","value":"Beard"},{"trait_type":"Headgear","value":"Captain Jack"},{"trait_type":"Glasses","value":"Elton"},{"trait_type":"Shirt","value":"Black T Print"},{"trait_type":"Pants","value":"Light Jeans"},{"trait_type":"Shoes","value":"White Shoes"}],"external_url":"https://www.pixltonnft.com/explorer/696","animation_url":"https://pfp.pixltonnft.com/696"}